The Wild West show was incorporated in Long Branch in 1887. Nate Salsbury, who lived on Liberty Street, made Buffalo Bill and his show an international sensation. Buffalo Bill brought the show to NJ frequently. It was in Long Branch in 1899 and 1909. Asbury Park Press in 1899 reported "15,000 AT THE SHOW...The daring exhibitions of horsemanship throughout the evening were greeted with cheer and applause...The trolley cars reaped a harvest, their cars being filled in both directions.”
1887 Wild West Show organizational documents
1899 Wild West Show Schedule
June 6, 1899 Asbury Park Press
Salsbury's Troubadours - another enterprise
William F. Cody & Chief Iron Tail with Nate Salsbury and Rachel Salsbuy in front of tent
Poster for the show
1895 Wild West Show ticket
Nate Salsbury and Buffalo Bill
1886 Monmouth Inquirer